Friday, February 3, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Real

On a friends blog I saw that every Friday is "Five Minute Friday," where you write five minutes on a topic from The Gypsy Mama, without any editing or rewriting allowed.  I think that I am going to give it a try but relate the topic to board games for an extra challenge.  This weeks topic is "Real."  I've got my stopwatch (track season starts in one month!) so writers on your mark, set, go!

Real, board games are an escape from reality and worries and stress of real life.  When lesson plans are due, and reports need to be read, I can take that escape for a few hours and travel to another world.  It is time to laugh with my  husband and my friends.  To challenge my mind, without really having to worry about the outcome.

Real, I sit here waiting to go home at the end of the day when I heard the words of a women from Syria and very real reality, of children dying and tortured, fighting for the freedom I sometimes do not appreciate.  My students sat wordless as she described her experience and held back tears as she shared about her cousin killed just days ago, and she did more to teach them in those few minutes than I have all year.  We all left school today with a deeper understanding and a greater empathy than anything they had felt before.  That's real.  We all have worries, we all have stress, but she made us think realize things are never ever as bad as we think. 

So I am thankful for my board games that offer me an escape but I also need to face reality and think about the reality beyond my own.  Appreciate what we have and pray for those who so desperately wish for it.

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