Saturday, February 25, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Grit (On a Saturday)

Maybe I should just start making this Five minute Saturday instead.  You would think Friday would be the easiest day of the week to sit down and just write for five minutes.  But that doesn't happen.  I join  The Gypsy Mama's  "Five Minute Friday" topic.  Each Friday, we write for five minutes on a topic without any editing or rewriting allowed.  I put a little spin on it and relate it to board games. 

Today's topic is truly a challenge for me.  Grit, true courage.  How can I relate this to board games.  Does it take true courage to play games?  Well no.  So I can I write about courage, grit and relate it to board games.  I'll give it a try...

So I've got my stopwatch out and I'm ready to on your mark, set, and go!

When asked about my hobbies I usually get a strange look when I talk about board games.  People don't really believe me when I say its a hobby.  I even refrain from telling people until I know them a lot better.  I wavered back and forth when I started this blog asking myself if I wanted to announce to the world (so to say) that yes in fact I do like to spend hours sometimes sitting at a table and moving pieces around on a board.  And guess what, it is so much fun!

Now this doesn't take grit, I'll admit.  But, being yourself showing who and what you are, even if the world thinks it is a little strange does.  I encourage others to be themselves and I see how the world reacts.  If you don't fit into the mould of what society decides normal you are different.  Guess what, the world doesn't like different.  Those who stand up for themselves and face the world with their head held high are the one's with grit.

So yes, I play board games, I love board games.  I'd rather spend an evening battling dragons or building a society from nothing than watch an episode of ...okay I can't even think of a popular TV Show, because guess what!  I don't have cable either!  It doesn't take grit, but it does take a few ounces of courage

And time!

Maybe next time I'll actually get this done on Friday!

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