Friday, December 30, 2011

Bonus Review: Dixit, Dixit 2, & Dixit Odyssey

Because my last review was so short I decided that I should take the opportunity to review a second party game and its two expansions: Dixit.  This is another one of my favorite party games, that is fun to play, easy to learn and teach.  Again, must for a party game.

Dixit, Dixit 2, Dixit Odyssey


Dixit and Odyssey both come with 84 image cards that are works of art.  Sometimes strange, but definitely art.  The cards are the heart of the game, and I'll talk more about them in game play.  You also get scoring markers (wooden rabbits).  Dixit Odyssey has the advantage of having voting boards while the original Dixit came with voting tokens.  Both also come with a scoring board.  In my opinion, Odyssey's is the more useful of the two.  Odyssey also allows up to 12 players.  Dixit 2 is just a card expansion.  It doesn't even come with rules.

Game Play

If you looking for a wild, crazy, and loud party game Dixit shouldn't be your first choice.  Dixit is a story telling game requiring players to listen, think, and be creative.  It can be loud and full of laughter but its usually a bit quieter.

Players start out with six cards in their hand.  The storyteller starts out the game by choosing one of their cards.   They can say just one word, a sound, or a statement.  They may choose to say a few words from a song, poem, movie, or book.  Other players then look at their own cards and pick one that best goes with the storytellers clue.  They then hand the chosen card to the storyteller who mixes them up and lays them next to the numbered spaces on the scoreboard. 

Players now try to guess which card belongs to the storyteller.  When everyone has voted the player reveals their vote.   The stroyteller reveals their card and the round is scored. 

Dixit Scoreboard
The story teller doesn't want to be too obvious with thier clue but they also don't want to make it so difficult that no one guesses.  If all players find the storyteller's image or if no players find the storyteller's image, the storyteller scores no points and each other player scores two points.  In any other result the storyteller scores three points as does each player/s who found the image.  Any other card that was voted for by other players scores one point, to a maximum of three points.

Dixit Odyssey Scoreboard

Players then refill their hand and the next player becomes the storyteller.  The game continues until one player has scored 30 points. 

Can you guess my card, answer at the end? Clue:  Into a sea of Dew


My Thoughts

Dixit is definitely not for everyone but with the right crowd the game can become one of those found memories that last a lifetime.  This is a great family game.  Adults and children can play together and be one the same playing field.  I played this once with a seven year old and a five year old as my partners.  While they came up with some more obvious clues they also had some very imaginative ideas that I would never even thought of on my own.  The seven year old was also the only one to guess a clue during one round.  I enjoy playing this game even though I'm not the most creative or imaginative person.  I get frustrated sometimes when I can't come up with a clue or always seem to pick the wrong card.  But in the end it isn't about winning or losing its about learning, bonding, and enjoying time with friends and family.

Quick Stats

Designer: Jean-Louis Roubira
Artists: Marie Cardouat (Dixit, Dixit2),  Piero (Odyssey)
Publisher: Asmodee
Number of Players: 3-6 (Dixit), 3-12 (Odyssey)
Play Time: 30 minutes

Answer:  The fourth card from the left.  The clue is a line from the poem Wynken, Blynken, and Nod, in it the three boys sail away in wooden shoe and fish in the night sky.


  1. This is a game my family loves. It's amazing how many of the cards relate to Harry Potter somehow :)

  2. I agree, even if I haven't read all the books. Thanks for reading.

  3. Very interesting blog post, I really appreciate on your post. Good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog. Now i am searching where to buy Dixit board game? Well, It's a interactive child and family games, allowing you to increase creativity levels and other mental abilities!
