Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Game Types: Party Games!

The holidays are a great time for families to get together and play games.  Usually you want a game that can accommodate a lot of people, is very ease to learn and play, and most of all is fun!  That is when you turn to party games.  You have all probably heard of and even played the old standards: charades, Taboo, Apples to Apples, and Pictionary.  But there are many more.

Party games sometimes make us feel a little silly but that's what its all about.  Enjoying time with family and friends and letting go of the stress of life.

Hallmarks of Party Games

Number of Players

Party games usually involve a large crowd or small group of people.  You may play as teams, individual players or couples.  Sometimes the games have a limit of players.  This usually means only so many pieces are available.  Or there may be no limit at all. 

Player Interaction

It would get very boring quickly is there was no interaction between players.  There are many good games that require quiet, calm, think time.  During a party you usually prefer more banter, laughs and general noise.

Player Elimination

It wouldn't be much fun if someone lost a party game in the first five minutes are even at all.  In fact I can't think of any party game that has player elimination.  You will usually have a winner at the end but everyone is in the game until the end.

A Spectator Sport?

Admit it, even if you aren't playing the game of charades it can still be a lot of fun watching.  So many party games can become a spectator sport.  It's still a lot better to join than watch!


Party games must be fun, you may need to relax but who doesn't want to try to draw the Mona Lisa? 

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