Monday, January 2, 2012

Game Type: Dexterity Games

So far I have talked about games that challenge you only mentally, but being a somewhat active person I also like games that will challenge me physically as well.  No, I'm not talking about basketball or baseball here, I'll still stay in the realm of boardgames and turn to Dexterity Games.

We have all at one time or another probably played some of the tried and true dexterity games out there: Twister, Operation, Jenga, or pick up sticks.  Those games you love to hate because just as you go for that last block in Jenga, certain you can leave you opponent with an impossible task, you instead find yourself sitting in the middle of a ruined tower.  Ah, the joy and agony, the games we love and hate at the same time, our next game type: dexterity games.

Hallmarks of Dexterity Games

The most important hallmark of dexterity games is that they will challenge the players both physically and mentally.  This usually happens at the same time.  They will challenge your reflexes, your coordination, your fine motor skills, and of course your mind. 

For example look at the game Sorry! Sliders.  In this game you are using your physical skills of hand /eye coordination as you slide your pawns on the board.  Then your challenge your mind as your think of a bit of strategy and decide where to aim and how to block your opponents.   We also can't forget the basic sometimes rusty adding and subtracting skills as you tally our score.  Sorry! Sliders, challenges the player both physically and mentally. 

After the combination of physical and mental challenges there isn't another must for dexterity games.  At least in my opinion.  There are a lot of dexterity games available with many similarities in style, components, and game play.  Yet these can vary greatly and as long as you are challenged both physically and mentally, you are playing a dexterity game.

I will add that many dexterity games, like abstract games, tend to be works of art.  I have known people to even hang their crokinole boards as the wall as art when they are in aren't in play.

I wanted to leave this blog with some beautiful pictures of palm puzzles I found at the website: project b.  These vintage puzzles have an amazing history all their own and I encourage you to wander over to the website and spend some quality browsing time.

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