Saturday, April 28, 2012

Five Minute Saturday: Community

It's Saturday again, which means I join The Gypsy Mama's "Five Minute Friday" topic. Yes I know the title says Friday but I'm doing it on Saturday.   Each Friday (Saturday), we write for five minutes on a topic without any editing or rewriting allowed. I put a little spin on it and relate it to board games. 

This week is a topic I can get into Community!

So I think I'm ready, I've got my stopwatch out and I'm ready to on your mark, set, and go!

I'm part of a lot of communities, I guess you could say that I wear a lot of different hats.  I'm a proud member of each community.  Lately I've been very focused on my coaching and teaching.  It makes for a long day but its worth it.  As my friend, mentor and fellow coach told me:  it doesn't matter how tired you are at the end of the day when you get out on that track and work with those kids that is all your focused on, nothing else matters.  Its been a tough season of joy, heart ache, worry and victory.  We may be small, but we are mighty inside.  Of course I have the most amazing team and coaches. 

So that explains that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth...I've just run there.  The board game community is amazing and I'm proud and humbled at the same time to be part of it.  Since I've started this blog and reviewing I feel like I am contributing a small piece to this amazing segment of society.  I have even had a few opportunities come about from my few reviews.  I really enjoy doing this, I've just had to cut back on something, and its been writing reviews.  I'll be back soon, believe it or not track season is almost over and soon another school year will come to an end.  I excited about this summer and the possibility.  There may even be a trip to GenCon this year, since Origins isn't going to happen. 

I look forward to writing more reviews, getting feedback, and just being part a worldwide community. 

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